November 18, 2024
1. Good morning Cougs! Today is Monday, November 18th. This week is Educational Support Services Appreciation Week. We honor and recognize the dedicated individuals behind the scenes keeping the PSD running smoothly. Our Employee Support Services, Capital Projects, and Business Services staff play crucial roles in supporting our educational mission. Join us in expressing gratitude for these unsung heroes who make a difference every day.
2. Continue to walk right and talk right while speaking at a level 1 volume in the halls. Cell phones and wireless earbuds should be stored away and out of sight. Please keep fragrances at home and save public displays of affection for dates outside of school.
3. Please check the lost and found as we will be donating items before heading off to Thanksgiving break.
4. Keep contributing positively to an inclusive school community by exhibiting expected behavior and earning those Cougar Pride Points. The Cougar Pride Store is open every Wednesday and Friday in the Cougar Cafe.
5. Our Wrestling season is well underway and the matches begin next week. Wrestlers, remember to check your grades and continue to engage fully in your learning as a student athlete to remain grade eligible. Our first Wrestling match is tomorrow against the Coyotes of Kopachuck at KMS starting at 3:30 pm.
Let's make it a great day and continue to display kindness, respect, and inclusion toward all members of our school community!