January 7, 2025
1. Good morning Cougs! Today is Tuesday, January 7th. As we continue embarking on 2025, let's continue to give our best each and every day. Let's take care of each other, build each other up, and remember that words hold power.
2. Although we embark on a new year, our expectations remain the same. Please walk right and talk right while speaking at a level 1 volume in the halls. Keep cell phones and wireless earbuds stored away and out of sight for the entirety of the school day and keep getting to class on time, with your materials, and your backpacks stored in your locker. Remember to remain seated in the cafeteria and that no food or drink is allowed outside or in the hallways. Thanks for exhibiting expected behavior and contributing positively to a school community we can be proud of. Remember that words matter and character counts!
3. Want a chance to show off your acting skills? Auditions for Forgiven: A Fairytale, are open to the whole school and are this Thursday after school until 4:30. No need to prepare anything. Contact Mrs. Gregory for more details!
4. Cougar Catch-up is canceled today, but all other clubs are running as normal. Remember that you can still join clubs and that this is a great way to develop relationships with other like minded peers.
5. The PBIS store will be open regularly like last year on Wednesdays and Fridays. You can use your Cougar Pride Points to purchase items in your portal and then pickup your purchased items in the Cougar Cafe every Wednesday and Friday. Keep exhibiting expected behavior and giving your best effort daily to earn points!