March 24, 2025

1. Good morning Cougs! Today is Monday, March 24th. Please continue to walk right and talk right while speaking at a level 1 volume in the halls. Keep cell phones and wireless HEADPHONES and earbuds stored away and out of sight for the entirety of the school day and keep getting to class on time, with your materials, and your backpacks stored in your locker. Thanks for exhibiting expected behavior and contributing positively to a school community we can be proud of.
2. Please continue to take pride in our new building. Thank you to the 98% of students that use the bathroom and other space appropriately. Please continue to report acts of vandalism right away. You can fill out an incident report or email Ms. Kinney or Mr. G.
3. Girls soccer and boys basketball take on the Falcons of Harbor Ridge tomorrow at home. Please show positive sportsmanship and cheer for our teams, not against the others. Go Cougs!