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Key Peninsula Middle School

Home of the Cougars

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Compulsory Attendance: In the State of Washington, school attendance is compulsory for children 8 years and older. The Washington State truancy law, otherwise known as The Becca Bill requires schools to notify parents and guardians of the absences. The school and parent must make a plan when there are unexcused absences recorded. It is our desire to work with families to ensure compulsory attendance of our students. We believe that students who are on time and attend school regularly will build a foundation for academic and social success. Thank you for your support and cooperation with our efforts to ensure good attendance at Key Peninsula Middle School.


School Board Attendance Policy: 3122/3122P


Excused Tardies/Absences: Illness, dental, or medical appointments are considered valid reasons for tardiness/absence. A note from the doctor’s office is always appreciated and may be required after multiple tardies/absences.

Unexcused Tardies/Absences: Oversleeping, missing the bus, transportation issues, personal reasons, and traffic are just a few examples of unexcused tardies/absences.

Planned Absences: If you are aware that you will be absent for 5+ consecutive days due to a family emergency, event, vacation, court order, housing change, or other non-school related event, please contact the school to complete a planned absence form. The absence may remain unexcused if it does not qualify as an excused absence but it may prevent a truancy filing.

20+ Days Consecutive Absence: Students will be dropped from enrollment on the 20th consecutive day of absence (excused or unexcused). If dropped from enrollment any choice transfers or special program transfers are also terminated.


  • All late arrivals must check in to the main office. 

  • Unexcused tardies may result in lunch or after-school detention if/when a pattern of chronic tardiness occurs. 



  • When your student is absent, it is important for parents to call our attendance line; or send a written excuse when the student returns. When calling in please leave the student ID number, reason for the absence, and the dates of the absence.

  • An auto-dialer phone call will notify parents when their child was absent, unless we have been notified by 3:00 pm.


Leaving Early and Change in Transportation Plan

  • Parents must come into the building to sign students out if leaving early. Please have identification. Please remember: Everyone must have a current photo ID in order to enter the building

  • Any changes in transportation plans must have a written note from the parent/guardian. Notes/emails must be received by 1:30 pm. 



Unexcused Absences

Actions by School

1 period or day

Automated phone call alerting parent


5 unexcused in 30 days or 12 unexcused all year

Email a letter to parent/guardian alerting them 


7 unexcused in 30 days or 15 unexcused all year


Student meets with counselor to complete barriers to attendance survey


Email letter to parent/guardian alerting to concern


Parent/Student Conference with Administration to make a plan.


18+ absences (excused or unexcused) in a school year

The student may be moved forward to a truancy petition

Community Truancy Board convened w/Parent and Student

Barriers administered if not already.

Excused Absences

Action by School

1-5 absences in a month

Monitoring and phone calls to family if consecutive.


6-10 absences in a year

Letter to family notifying of concern and scheduling a conference.


10 absences in a year

Doctors note may be required for future absences and Becca Petition may be started.


18+ absences (excused or unexcused) in a school year

The student may be moved forward to a truancy petition

Community Truancy Board convened w/Parent and Student

Barriers administered if not already.


How do we support you with attendance?

Tier 1 Interventions: 

  • Teachers take daily attendance

  • Daily attendance robocalls

  • Periodic attendance counts communication

  • Attendance awards and recognition

  • 90%+ celebration postcards sent home 

  • Teacher monitoring of attendance

  • Student Support Team attendance monitoring


Tier 2 Interventions:

  • “We miss you!” postcards (50-70%) 

  • Barriers to Attendance survey to students

  • Attendance meetings with counselors and/or success coach


Tier 3 Interventions (for students who are missing or not attending school

  • Attendance Meeting w/ Parents and Contract

  • Home Visit + Referral to Community Truancy Board