March 6, 2025

1. Good morning Cougs! Today is Thursday, March 6th. Did you know that March is Women's History Month? This is a time to recognize and celebrate the incredible contributions of women throughout history. From science and politics to sports and the arts, women have shaped our world in powerful ways. Each day this month, we’ll highlight the stories of inspiring women who have made a difference. Let’s take this opportunity to learn, reflect, and appreciate the impact of women past and present! Today we recognize Susan B. Anthony, a leader in the fight for women's voting rights. Her work helped pave the way for the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in 1920.
2. Please continue to walk right and talk right while speaking at a level 1 volume in the halls. Keep cell phones and wireless HEADPHONES and earbuds stored away and out of sight for the entirety of the school day and keep getting to class on time, with your materials, and your backpacks stored in your locker. Please remember there is to be no food or drink in the hallways or outside during honor time. Please take pride in our campus and do your part to keep it clean. Thanks for exhibiting expected behavior and contributing positively to a school community we can be proud of.
3. Our KPMS Choir put on a dazzling performance last night. We are so proud of their efforts this year and the way they have represented Cougar Nation proud.
4. Even though the girls soccer and boys basketball just got underway, we want to get a head start on track and field registration. Track and field registration is open and you can get signed up through FinalForms on our school website. We have almost 50 students currently signed up with a goal of reaching 80. Get registered and ensure you have all of the necessary forms completed. It is going to be an amazing season and a great time to build relationships, meet new friends, and grow in your pursuit of personal goals. Go Cougs!
5. The KPMS Band will be participating in the COMBEA Band Festival today at Truman Middle School. Let's continue to celebrate and encourage our amazing band students and our appreciation for the way they represent Cougar Nation proud!
6. 8th Graders, your registration forms were due yesterday and you need to submit your SchooLinks registration by Friday. Mr Sarsfield will be in the Cafe during both lunches today to help with any questions. Students that do not register by Friday will have their classes chosen for them. Reach out to your counselor if you have any questions!