March 11, 2025

1. Good morning Cougs! Today is Tuesday, March 11th. Please continue to walk right and talk right while speaking at a level 1 volume in the halls. Keep cell phones and wireless HEADPHONES and earbuds stored away and out of sight for the entirety of the school day and keep getting to class on time, with your materials, and your backpacks stored in your locker. Thanks for exhibiting expected behavior and contributing positively to a school community we can be proud of.
2. This is a reminder that KPMS is a hate free environment where all people, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or ancestry, or disability are to be respected and celebrated. Thank you for contributing to an inclusive school community to continue to promote a sense of belonging for all!
3. The KPMS Choir will be putting on their spring band concert tonight at 7 pm in the gym. Come on out to enjoy our amazing Band and all of the hard work they’ve put in throughout this school year.
4. Track and field registration is open and you can get signed up through FinalForms on our school website. Get registered and ensure you have all of the necessary forms completed. It is going to be an amazing season and a great time to build relationships, meet new friends, and grow in your pursuit of personal goals. Go Cougs!
5. You may have noticed the newly painted yellow line in the bus zone. Please remember to stand behind it while waiting for the bus and allow others to pass by if you are waiting.